Wednesday, December 22, 2021

My Pony by Mrs. CW Reed

Recalling the past with Mrs. Charlie Wiley Reed

My Pony

Notes by Norman E. Reed (dates unknown)

As told to Norman E. Reed by his mother Mrs. C. W. Reed (Mrs. Charlie Wiley Reed)


My pony


I drove a little pony to school, when I was in a big hurry I would put the saddle on him and ride to school. My daddy built a stable at the school house and had carried corn and fodder there for him. He put it in the loft of the stable.

I would ride him to school and put him in the stable with the saddle on. If I had plenty of time I would hitch him up to the buggy and drive it.

Dr. Sturkie’s horse killed my pony. My pony was little. Dr. Strukie’s horse was big, mean and would kick. The colored people had turned both horses out in the lot. My pony was in his stable and the other horse came in and caught him in the door. It broke his ribs. He died two days later.

My daddy bought me a saddle horse then. He was a beautiful thing. He wouldn’t do anything but a saddle gait. You could put him to a buggy and he would still do a saddle gait. He was a big, tall horse and I enjoyed riding him. I rode side saddle, I never rode astride. After we were married my husband would drive him.

One time he drove him to Orangeburg to take Dr. Hydrick back in the buggy. Dr. Hydrick was afraid of him, said that horse will kill you. Daddy said my wife rides him. He said you make her quit riding that horse. But I didn’t quit riding him, later we traded him and got one that was more gentle.




Sent by N.E. Reed’s son, Don Reed to Tom Reed 12-2021. Retyped into Word.


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